Not Able to Read Audiobooks

One problem with my new situation of working from home most of the time is that I no longer have two or three hours in the car to listen to audiobooks. I haven't even ventured out in my car in a few days. Suddenly my subscription to went from vital to a burden. I now have several books in my queue to be “read” when I used to be hungry for new material.

Amazing what a little change makes.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy the fact that I'm not spending a fortune on gas, raising my stress level fighting traffic, and so on. I get two hours of my day back, but I'm not spending it listening to books.

Part of that might be that at home I'm the only one interested in listening to books. We'll have to see how this pans out. In the meantime, every month I get two more books from the folks at Audible.

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Nov 30 2005 07:28 AM

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There are 2 comments on this entry.

Easy, listen to books while you post your blog or play backgammon. Either that or actually read a book.


Posted Wednesday, Nov 30 2005 04:47 PM

Well, actually reading a book has the same constraint. In a house with four other people it's hard to find very much quiet time.

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Nov 30 2005 05:34 PM

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