revotewa Update

Since “” is my most popular posting, I should post a follow-up. The main place people should look for updates, however, is Sound Politics2004 Governors Race” category archive. Those guys are able to be more on top of the King County debacle and are even closer to Olympia than I am down here in Clark County.

Even so, things are moving. Instead of this coming Monday, the Democrats will vote to certify the election this coming Tuesday, Janaury 11th. That's the same day that a revote rally was expected:

On Tuesday, January 11 at 10:30am, there will be a rally in support of a revote in front of the Clark County Elections Office at 1408 Franklin (Mill Plain & Franklin). This will be held on the same day a rally in Olympia will be held asking for a revote. In honor of the recent successfully sought revote (and result reversal) in the Ukranian national elections in the face of allegations of fraud, bring an orange ribbon if you can.

(That's from the Clark County GOP)

I don't know if the opposition actively reads my blog, but I do know that far more revote supporters than detractors do, so I'm going to post that info.

KGW reports that there have been two different court challenges filed against the election.

Daniel P. Stevens of Fall City sent the court a one-page notice saying he was contesting the election because the margin of victory is within the election's margin of error, “to the point that error must be assumed as a certainty.”
Arthur Coday Jr. of Shoreline filed an 11-page brief arguing that the hand recount was fatally flawed for several reasons and asking the high court to inaugurate Rossi as governor.

I pointed out in a comment on my original revotewa posting that the hand recount is considered the best count, which is why Gregoire is ahead. However, looking through RCW 29A I have not found that statement of priority. It must be a administrative rule.

Update: Captain Ed has his own comments and observations. He also noticed this great quote:

“These are not indications of fraud,” said Bill Huennekens, King County's elections supervisor. “Fraud is a concerted effort to change an election.”

(From an article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.)

Josh Poulson

Posted Friday, Jan 7 2005 10:26 AM

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There are 2 comments on this entry.

Previously, I read about the military votes not being accepted in the wa race Do you have any idea where I can find that again?


Posted Friday, Jan 7 2005 07:25 PM


I think your question has been answered by the list of charges from the Rossi campaign. One of those charges is that military absentee voters got their ballots too late to send them in.

Josh Poulson

Posted Monday, Jan 10 2005 11:05 AM

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