Kerry, the Nuanced Sitzpinkler

Anne Coulter's latest column starts off with this quest:

There ought to be a special word—something German—to describe the feeling of revulsion normal people experience when reading lines like these from a single article on John Kerry by Laura Blumenfeld in The Washington Post:
  • "Kerry's complexity has been an issue since his national debut in 1971."
  • "Kerry likes to quote the French writer Andre Gide: 'Don't try to understand me too quickly.'"
  • "His friend Dan Barbiero said it comes down to Kerry's complexity ..."

Luckily, due to the hard work of the folks at Captain's Quarters we know the appropriate term is sitzpinkler. Admittedly it's a term of endearment for those who cause you such revulsion, but it gets us part-way there.

Coulter goes on to rattle off a laundry list of our well-known Kerry woes that are getting short coverage in the press. She also touches on the recent Harkin diatribe against Cheney and the recovered research into Harkin's own lies. Finally, she reminds us of Gore's own excesses with the truth when he wanted to sound a little bit more heroic than a Senator's son on Press patrol. What's most amusing is her trip down memory lane to point out Lyndon Johnson's Silver Star, awarded by Douglas MacArthur, was also a trumped up event with grandiose claims of heroism.

Her lament is easy to voice. What does it take to be a hero these days?

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Aug 18 2004 10:22 PM

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