August 12 ASLET Update

Phil Messina over at ASLET Updates has posted another list of complaints against ASLET Executive Director Frank Hackett. Not only has Frank done such things as misrepresent his education and background (he had a phony Ph.D.) but he's also managed to run the organization into the ground. The entire issue started with shoddy background checks of members after September 11, 2001, but has ballooned since then.

The organization continues to lose ground and try desperate tactics to get money and to stave off Director Phil Messina's honest inquiries into the elections of the organization. I tried to fix some of the problems that were found by joining the Bylaws Committee, however our efforts were cut off by Mr. Hackett.

A lot of people have given up on ASLET and have gone over to ILEETA. I have let my ASLET membership lapse and joined ILEETA as a Charter Member myself.

I need to get Phil a real blog tool instead of his manual updates. He can then spend more time digging up information than fiddling with his posts.

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Aug 18 2004 10:07 PM

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Unfortunately, yours is the only BLOG available on the Internet regarding ASLET. And naturally a BLOG is the only method available for someone to anonymously post a few comments AGAINST Phil Massena, without fear of legal reprisal. Messina does not have a BLOG because he is perhaps too obtuse to figure out how to add one to his trite websites and more notably, because he does not desire an open discussion which may illuminate his dishonesty.

Messina’s most recent "Update" doesn’t tell you that the reason ASLET board members are resigning is because they are no longer personally covered under ASLET’s insurance policy if they remain on the board. ASLET’s insurance carrier dropped coverage for any future lawsuits filed by Massena (and many of his band of “Modern” sycophants) against ASLET or any of its board members. The carrier did this because of all of Massena’s frivolous lawsuits against ASLET. Currently, any board member who wishes to serve ASLET would be personally liable and therefore have to spend personal money defending against a Massena lawsuit. Why would anyone continue to serve an organization that doesn’t care about nor support him or her with simple liability protection? Obviously, they would not and that is why they are leaving.

Massena’s goal from the beginning has been to destroy ASLET and to publicly malign many of its dedicated people. The Michael Moore like conspiracies that Massena has been spreading only hurts ASLET and its members. Evidently, since Massena appears to be supported by many, ASLET membership is getting what it desires.

Bob Smith

Posted Friday, Sep 3 2004 07:24 AM

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