Excel 2007 Multiplication Bug

From Slashdot we learn that Microsoft Excel 2007 has a serious multiplication bug. Drop “=850*77.1” into a cell and watch it turn into 100,000 instead of 65,535. In fact, a lot of the results that end up all 1's in binary have problems discovered by alert readers. Previous versions of Excel don't have this problem.

We'll see if this has something to do with all the under-the-cover work to handle their new XML-based file formats…

Update: Nope, just tried putting the formula in the previous version's format and loaded it into Excel 2007 and it's still makes the error. This probably has more to do with performance tweaking than supporting new formats.

9/26/07 Update: Microsoft is working quickly to fix it.

Josh Poulson

Posted Tuesday, Sep 25 2007 10:50 AM

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