Office 2007
At a time when negative reviews about Office 2007 appear to be common, I only have this observation: Excel 2007 made data filtering a lot easier for me, but Word 2007 chapter and section numbering was (and is) a serious pain to figure out. I don't use Outlook 2007 (I use gmail for my mail at home, and Lotus Notes for work) so I have no opinion about it. I really haven't had a chance to experiment with Access or Project, and so far Powerpoint hasn't been all that special for me.
I will probably upgrade to Office 2007 here at home when my trial runs out, but I'm not sure about continuing to use Visio, let alone upgrade. I'll only upgrade Project if I need to for work (which is highly unlikely right now).
There, I said it. Let's get back to work.
Josh Poulson
Posted Tuesday, Feb 27 2007 05:05 PM