The Friedman Amendment

Now that Milton is gone it would be best to honor his memory in some substantial way. Perhaps it would be best to right one wrong he wrought and make the United States better in the process. To that end I offer the Friedman Amendment:

Amendment XXVIII—Limiting Taxation and Voting to Specific Dates

  1. Each year all Federal, State, and local government shall hold two elections for public offices: a primary election the first Tuesday in May and a general election the first Tuesday in November.
  2. All taxes and set-asides, except the collection of sales taxes by sellers from direct consumers, shall be paid twice annually, due two weeks before the primary and general elections.
  3. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Josh Poulson

Posted Friday, Nov 17 2006 11:38 AM

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Amendment 28

Josh Poulson offers an amendment to the Constitution in the name of the late Milton Friedman. Amendment XXVIII—Limiting Taxation and Voting to Specific Dates 1. Each year all Federal, State, and local government shall hold two elections for public offi... [Read more]

Three Sources

Linked Friday, Nov 17 2006 01:51 PM

In Memoriam: Milton Friedman continued

Last Updated at 3:45 PM CST For all of our coverage of the passing of Milton Friedman, and all the links you could ever want, go to our Milton Friedman Memorial page. The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem. – Milton... [Read more]

A Second Hand Conjecture

Linked Friday, Nov 17 2006 02:26 PM

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