September 11, 2006

Many are posting retrospectives and memorials about the terrorist attack five years ago. I do not need to rehash what happened, but I may as well indicate how I feel about it all. I wrote the following two years ago, and it still applies to how I feel about 9/11.

A lot of blogs are remembering 9/11 today. I suppose I should do my part.

I awoke to a phone call on 9/11/01, a little after 6am. The gal on the phone was telling me that a jet plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I was still trying to wake up when I heard her exclamations on the phone as the second plane crashed into the south tower. It was an agonizing experience.

I watched a little of what I could find on the web. I didn't have cable service at home. At that point I had given up television for a couple years already. I wandered into work where I found out about the third crash at the Pentagon.

It was an eerie time. Internet news sites were slammed and very little information was available. The weird story of the fourth flight took hours to play out. Rumors flew fast and furious.

However, my most painful moment related to 9/11 was hearing, a lot later, the tape of the stewardess on the second plane talking on her cell phone as they went into the south tower.

I don't like reality shows where people get hurt. I'm too empathetic. I absolutely hated that tape. I didn't like watching video of people jumping from the towers.

Two and a half years later I got the 9/11 Commission Report from and listened to it on the drive to and from work. Even in two-hour-a-day chunks, parts of the report are hard to listen to. Recounting the story of people falling from the building and emergency workers dodging these people as they tried to escape the doomed buildings were particularly hard for me.

9/11 has been referred to as a day of reverence, or reflection, or anger, or other emotions. For me it is a reminder of the need for proactive, not reactive, measures to handle our own safety.

In real life I work on building software products. Proactive rather than reactive measures rule the day there as well. Even so, most of the engineers around me support Kerry/Edwards. It appalls me that to them the proactive measure of fighting an enemy before he can effectively deliver his blows is “aggression.”

To me it is getting inside the enemy's OODA loop.

This enemy declared war against us a long long time ago. It took nearly three thousand deaths for us to react.

Josh Poulson

Posted Monday, Sep 11 2006 06:36 AM

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There are 2 comments on this entry.

9/11 is a crock. reopen the investigation. you'll see. too afraid to ask some real q's?


Posted Sunday, Sep 24 2006 03:45 AM

Yes, the 9/11 Commission closed its doors August 21, 2004, but it's clear that more investigative talent has been turned towards these events than anything else in recent memory. If these bipartisan (but admittedly government) folks couldn't ask real questions, I'm not sure who else is better able to get full access to all of the evidence.

You say “9/11 is a crock” but you have to admit that a lot of people died that day, and that's not a crock. I believe you mean that you do not agree with the conclusions as to how the events transpired. Overlooking minor mistakes, I believe the 9/11 commission is a pretty darned good job. In comparison, the folks that made the movie Loose Change did a really shoddy job. If I make the assertion that Loose Change is a crock I'd be on firmer ground than your assertion above.

Which aspect of the investigation do you want reopened? I, for one, would like to see if Able Danger raised valid alarms that should have been taken seriously. I'd like to see if the “wall” between defense and domestic intelligence agencies led us to miss important clues. I'd like to see that this “wall” was based on poor legal conclusions and political expediency.

I'd like to believe that these events are harder to repeat now than they were to accomplish five years ago.

The next time you post shoddy analysis and a fake email address, I hope you think a little more deeply about what you're saying and make an honest attempt at dialog and not a drive-by snarking.

Josh Poulson

Posted Sunday, Sep 24 2006 01:48 PM

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