Bumped to MT 3.32
Rolled up to Movable Type 3.32, which fixes a bunch of bugs that I don't recall running into myself.
Been away from blogging lately, although there's been plenty I should have talked about. However, other people have had the time to go into more depth. For example, HotAir has covered the bogus ambulances in Lebanon story, people are tracking down the secret hold on a bill requiring Congress to have a publicly searchable online database of spending bills, the two kidnapped journalists in Palestine were released after a gunpoint conversion to Islam, a reversed position on planets leading to the demotion of Pluto and the failed apotheosis of Ceres, Charon, and Xena, and a giant storm in the blogosphere over fauxtography.
Josh Poulson
Posted Tuesday, Aug 29 2006 06:56 AM