Trojan Implosion

This Sunday, early in the morning, the cooling tower at the decommissioned Trojan nuclear power plant (just a few miles downstream of our house) was imploded. The cooling tower was a prominent landmark on the drive from Portland to Seattle and has been standing for 30 years.

Dan Sweet had front-row seats for the implosion and took some amazing pictures (click the picture for a full-resolution image):

A moment of sunlight before the implosion:

Trojan Sun by Dan Sweet

Just before the implosion:

Trojan Implosion Before by Dan Sweet

The first charges fire (the entire implosion took less than eight seconds):

Trojan Implosion During by Dan Sweet

The next shot as soon as Dan could trigger it, the tower is already fallen and raised a giant cloud of dust:

Trojan Implosion Dust by Dan Sweet

Afterward, an altered skyline:

Trojan After Implosion by Dan Sweet

The family watched (some by TiVo) the implosion on the Newschannel 8, which had great camera angles (including from the air) of the event. They have a basic story here, but it's worth poking through their complete coverage.

All of these images are Copyright 2006 by Dan Sweet. He's reserving all rights to copy and distribute them.

Update: Some great photos on Laughing Squid and Flickr.

Josh Poulson

Posted Monday, May 22 2006 07:34 AM

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