Pimp Gun

Looking through my pictures archive I discovered my .357 picture was corrupt, so I fixed that. Then I noticed I had never posted a picture of the “pimp gun” here:


And it can't be a pimp gun without a Miami Vice caliber:


Obviously this gun is used primarily for special occasions. Shooting a lot of 10mm is rough on the gun.

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Mar 1 2006 09:36 AM

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The Carnival of Cordite, 50th Edition

Yes dear friends, it's time once again to crack open the virtual book of the gun for the Carnival of Cordite, 50th Edition I should note, this is the third time I've typed that sentence, because the unique combination of... [Read more]

The AnarchAngel

Linked Friday, Mar 3 2006 10:34 PM


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Cool piece! After getting my Frankensteinian "Box o' Gun" looking as classy as I can make it, I'm tempted to go the other way with my Colt Enhanced .45 Auto. I'm thinking about losing the black wraparound grip and putting on something flashy, like bright red or blue or a high contrast-grain wood.

Cowboy Blob

Posted Friday, Mar 3 2006 01:51 PM

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