Gonzales States the Obvious

US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has submitted a piece titled “America Expects Surveillance” to the Wall Street Journal supporting the use of eavesdropping on suspected Al Quaeda members:

The president, as commander in chief, has asserted his authority to use sophisticated military drones to search for Osama bin Laden, to deploy our armed forces in combat zones, and to kill or capture al Qaeda operatives around the world. No one would dispute that the AUMF supports the president in each of these actions.
It is, therefore, inconceivable that the AUMF does not also support the president's efforts to intercept the communications of our enemies. Any future al Qaeda attacks on the homeland are likely to be carried out, like Sept. 11, by operatives hiding among us. The NSA terrorist surveillance program is a military operation designed to detect them quickly. Efforts to identify the terrorists and their plans expeditiously while ensuring faithful adherence to the Constitution and our existing laws is precisely what America expects from the president.

This is certainly a “Well, duh!” kind of issue, as I've pointed out many times before. It all boils down to this:

The AUMF is not a blank check for the president to cash at the expense of the rights of citizens. The NSA's terrorist surveillance program is narrowly focused on the international communications of persons believed to be members or agents of al Qaeda or affiliated terrorist organizations.

If it was all communications of those suspected to be involved with Al Quaeda, I'd be far more worried, but because the communications are to those outside of the country, the use of the NSA facilities and the lack of warrants makes plenty of sense. Can we move on from this now?

Josh Poulson

Posted Monday, Feb 6 2006 06:54 AM

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The question no apologist wants to have to answer is the simplest one of all.

Why not get a retroactive FISA Warrant, if the communications intercepts are lawful? It is riduculously easy to do so.

This power that Bush's apologists are all advocating for him will one day fall to a Chief Executive perhaps not so amenable to them, and when it happens, the apologists will howl. But they have only themselves to blame.

Jolly Roger

Posted Thursday, Feb 9 2006 01:02 AM

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