Patricia Konie Gun Confiscation Video

Courtesy of Geek With A .45 I have my own copy of the Patricia Konie gun confiscation video shown on Fox News. Certainly this is evidence that the New Orleans gun confiscation went too far. There are other videos floating around out there, but with obscure codecs or other technical annoyances, so I won't bother posting them.

As you can imagine SAF and NRA are looking for evidence for lawsuits, individual and possibly class action. I'm willing to offer my own services as a expert witness (NRA Training Counselor, Judicious Use of Lethal Force Instructor, and more…) to this effort. It'll be a hoot.

It's rumored that the confiscations have been quietly discontinued, but in my opinion it's too late to save face.

Hopefully Kira at won't kill me for posting this video. I'm already the #2 source of traffic for her service.

Josh Poulson

Posted Sunday, Sep 18 2005 08:14 AM

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Greetings Ladies, Gentlemen, and small woodland Creatures, welcome once again to the Carnival of Cordite: a weekly round-up of blog posts related to guns, shooting, personal defense, and the laws and politics of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. [Read more]

Resistance is futile!

Linked Friday, Sep 23 2005 03:16 PM


There are 6 comments on this entry.

My 11 year old daughter looked at the video with me. Her comment was more succinct than anything I could have thought of. She said, "What's happening to that lady, Dad? I thought those were the good guys."

I'm sorry honey, police aren't always the good guys.

Leigh M

Posted Tuesday, Sep 20 2005 09:34 PM

The terrible face of facism is revealed in New Orleans as the pretext of a hurricane is used to destroy the rights of the people. Many of our leaders are criminals and traitors to the US Consitution who ought to be arrested. Resist this madness. The government does not own us. We are a free people!!

William Peecher, Member Sons of the American Revolution

Posted Friday, Sep 30 2005 09:53 PM

I would like to see someone contact the ACLU and plead patricia's case to them! And lets see how fast they file a lawsuit on her behalf, for the blatent violation of her Constitutional rights, under the second, fourth, etc. admendments!!!!


Posted Monday, Oct 17 2005 01:06 PM

If these assaults on our Second Amendment rights do not stop it will soon be time to meet these assaults with such force as is necessary to stop them.

James F. Webb

Posted Saturday, Feb 25 2006 10:28 AM


I just wanted to give you a heads up that I am about to send forth an email regarding the New Orleans gun confiscation aftermath, and am linking to your video of Ms. Konie. I don't think this will burden your site too much, as I only have about 500 subscribers on my list. It is a pro-gun list I run for Texas.

Thanks for making that video available on the web.

Best Regards,

Paul Velte

Paul Velte

Posted Monday, Apr 24 2006 10:51 AM

Hi, any recent activity on this case?


Posted Wednesday, Aug 9 2006 07:10 AM

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