Lileks Bleats at Star Trek
Over at Lileks' Bleats James Lileks opines about all thinks Star Trek combined with an analysis of the final episode of Star Trek: Enterprise. his analysis is enough to make me consider actually watching the series. I gave up on the modern TV series somewhere in the middle of the third season of Star Trek: Voyager and only watched the last couple of seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine on DVD.
Misty is as much of a fan as I am of the series, but had never really seen it end-to-end like I did by buying all of the DVDs and watching the shows in order. There are some episodes that are not on syndication. There are definitely some that shouldn't be.
There's a lot of funny moments in his bleat so go read the whole thing, but only if you are a Trek fan. Otherwise much of the humor will go over your head.
Josh Poulson
Posted Monday, May 16 2005 03:58 PM
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That's a great piece...thanks for the heads up on it (and yes, I got all of the quips and asides...I'm not going to worry overmuch about if that's a good thing or not...)
Posted Monday, May 16 2005 10:59 PM
You really don't want to watch Enterprise. Besides a few good episodes in Season 4, the entire series was a creative abortion. As bad as the worst of Voyager. I implore you, don't see modern Trek. Let it die with Deep Space Nine.
Posted Tuesday, May 17 2005 10:51 AM
I save most of my vitriol for Star Trek: Nemesis, which was a miserable excuse for a movie based on the Trek universe. I guess Iwill have to avoid Enterprise for now, as well.
Josh Poulson
Posted Tuesday, May 17 2005 11:29 AM
Star Trek: Voyager was my favorite series. While they were all good, I still don't understand how a show like Andromeda stays on the air and Enterprise gets the axe. Aside from Scott Bakula's wooden performance each week, it was a great show!
Posted Thursday, May 19 2005 08:15 AM