Managers vs Employees; Citizens vs Representatives

I got this information from an IBM information page, but I summarized it myself.

The Labor Relations Institute of New York has done repeated studies on what employees want and what managers think employees want. The results are typically different:

What managers think employees want:
  1. Good wages
  2. Job Security
  3. Promotion and growth opportunities
  4. Good working conditions
  5. Interesting work
  6. Personal loyalty to workers
  7. Tactful discipline
  8. Full appreciation for work done
  9. Sympathetic understanding of personal problems
  10. Feeling “in” on things
What employees say they want:
  1. Full appreciation for work done
  2. Feeling “in” on things
  3. Sympathetic understanding of personal problems
  4. Job security
  5. Good wages
  6. Interesting work
  7. Promotion and growth opportunities
  8. Personal loyalty to workers
  9. Good working conditions
  10. Tactful discipline

What would really be interesting to see is a study that compared what employees say they want and what they actually respond to. Well, actually, there's been a lot of studies about that. Everyone wants to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves and managers should endeavor to make sure employees understand, influence and are a part of the “big picture.”

Is that really so hard?

I think that understanding should be applied to citizens, too. Citizens want to understand, influence and be a part of the big picture for their town, county, state and country too. They want their voice to be heard. But I wonder. Do they really make good decisions?

I'll leave that question open.

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Mar 23 2005 09:44 AM

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