Gun Bills in Washington State, Most Bills Still Dead

Urged by a reminder email from a reader today—and from the 3/18 GOAL alert—we have a list of dead anti-gun bills here in the State of Washington, except for three remaining ones on which we are neutral but watching. Dead bills numbers are struck through.

Senate bills
SSB 5041Sentencing rangeMcCaslin (R-4)H. Jud.Neutral
SB 5131Insanity finding/firearmsCarrell (R-28)S. RulesDied
SB 5167Firearm suppressorsHargrove (D-24)S. Jud.Died
SB 5342Safe storage of firearmsKohl-Welles (D-36)S. Jud.Died
SB 5343Gun show loopholeKohl-Welles (D-36)S. Jud.Died
SB 5344Capitol campus gun banFairley (D-32)S. Jud.Died
SB 5383Juvenile hunting licensesOke (R-26)S. NatRes.Died
SB 5475Assault weapon banKline (D-37)S. Jud.Died
SB 5545Deployed military CPL renewalRoach (R-31)S. Jud.Died
SB 5593.50 BMG rifle banKline (D-37)S. Jud.Died
SB 5635Restoration of rightsSchoesler (R-9)S. RulesDied
SJM 8005Manufacturer protectionBenton (R-17)S. Jud.Died
House bills
SHB 1133Public disclosure lawNixon (R-45)S. GovOps.Neutral
SHB 1213Juvenile hunting licensesClements (R-14)H. RulesDied
HB 1473Safe storage of firearmsMoeller (D-49)H. Jud.Died
HB 1489Capitol campus gun banWilliams (D-22)H. Jud.Died
HB 1490Park/rec area gun banDarneille (D-27)H. Jud.Died
HB 1627Assault weapon banKagi (D-32)H. Jud.Died
HB 1687Insanity finding/firearmsMoeller (D-49)S. Jud.Neutral
HB 1804CPL renewal notificationEricksen (R-442)H. Jud.Died
HB 1822Lead shot hunting banKagi (D-32)H. NatRes.Died
HB 2211Lead shot excise taxKagi (D-32)H. Fin.Died
HJM 4002Manufacturer protectionCurtis (R-18)H. Jud.Died

There is a hearing schedule on HB 1687 scheduled at 10am March 24th at the Senate Judiciary Committee, in Senate Hearing Room “1” (in the John Cherberg Building).

Josh Poulson

Posted Monday, Mar 21 2005 09:40 AM

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