USS Swamp Rabbit

(Rabbit picture)

(Photo courtesy of the Jimmy Carter Library and Museum.)

Via the Little Green Footballs article “Carter vs the Swamp Rabbit” we discover that there are pictures (thanks to the nice folks at of the rabbit that attacked President Jimmy Carter on April 20th, 1979. What's even more amazing is that the Jimmy Carter Library and Museum is happy to furnish the photograph, which they say is in the public domain.

(Rabbit closeup)

(Photo courtesy of the Jimmy Carter Library and Museum.)

Since the Navy is about to commission an attack submarine in Jimmy's honor, perhaps it should be nicknamed the “USS Swamp Rabbit” in honor of this fearsome beast that held the leader of the free world in abeyance.

Update: Vodkapundit points out that it's a “Bad Omen” for Jimmy to get an attack submarine named after him, because of previous nicknames for submarines.

Paul at Wizbang is having difficulty with the idea of Jimmy getting an attack submarine. (Me, I am amused by the fact that this is the last Seawolf-class boat. Wolves eat bunnies.)

Finally, day by day has an excellent comic on the subject, with no rabbit:

(<em>day by day</em> cartoon)

Update2: Jay Tea at Wizbang posts “What's In a Name?” sneering at our antics but also relating an amusing history of ship-naming in the United States and England.

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Feb 16 2005 05:00 PM

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There are 3 comments on this entry.

"Sneering?" "Sneering?"

Respectfully disagreeing, and laughing my ass off at a lot of the snarkiness, but never sneering. I've done sneering before -- it's quite fun -- but I'm not doing it here.


Jay Tea

Posted Wednesday, Feb 16 2005 06:50 PM

Okay, perhaps “sneering” was harsh, but it did sound a lot like an adult's bemused wonder at childish antics. I interpreted that as sneering.

I'm at a loss for a better word for it, but your phrase above is workable. Consider me corrected.

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Feb 16 2005 07:05 PM

I'd go with avuncular amusement.


Posted Friday, Feb 18 2005 04:45 PM

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