Finished Finance, Still Hacking on Marketing

I took on eight credits this term, which was aggressive but certainly doable, based on the work I did last quarter.

Finance (MST 572) went fine. There was a lot of reading but nothing was impossible. I ended up with a decently solid A. I just finished the class this past weekend.

Marketing (MST 573), however, has been a disaster. I will be taking an incomplete and I'm barely hanging onto that. It has been a quarter fraught with changing assignments, lots of reading with quick turnarounds (I don't mind reading, but 48-hour deadlines stink), frequently in-person during-the-day meetings and interviews, and a poorly laid out syllabus and forum structure. I tried to drop this class and the instructor talked me out of it. I probably shouldn't have let that happen. If marketing is all about being a disorganized mess, I'm glad I'm not really part of it.

Next quarter also has eight credits, but no one is warning me about those classes. Everyone warned me about 573…

Josh Poulson

Posted Monday, Feb 28 2005 08:19 AM

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