Clark County Revote Rally

An alert that came my way from the Clark County GOP…

Vancouver is the first stop of four to be made around the state. Come and join us for a rally and provide constructive input on election reform at this public hearing next week! Wear something orange. We encourage you to bring constructive homemade signs and any revote signs you may have. The greater the attendance, the greater the message!

What:Task force appointed by temporary Gov. Gregoire will take public comments on improving elections.
Who:Secretary of State Sam Reed, former state senators Betti Sheldon and Larry Sheahan, and former Washington State University President Sam Smith comprise the task force.
When:6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday Feb. 10, 2005
Where:Clark College Foster Auditorium
1800 E McLoughlin Blvd., Vancouver

Please remember that this is a peaceful rally as we are a peaceful Party!

Approved By: Josephine F. Wentzel, Political Director, Clark County Republicans

Suggestions: One of our Elected Officials suggested that we come early and register inside to ask questions at the public meeting, as this is a very controlled one. The following issues were suggested to bring up, so chose one. (It doesn't matter if the same question is asked 30 times).

When you attend, please stick to the following subjects. Other points will be addressed in Olympia. But these will be left out unless you stand up and demand change.

  1. Re-registration: Cleaning the voter rolls so everyone on the rolls is a legitimate voter. We need to remove the felons, non-citizens and graveyard residents from the voter rolls.
  2. Identification: Asking voters to prove their identity before casting their vote. We need to know who is actually voting.
  3. Reconciliation: Requiring the number of ballots that go out match the number of ballots that come in. When these numbers don't match up, we know we have a problem. It just makes common sense.
  4. Standardization: Creating statewide rules for administering provisional ballots and verifying absentee signatures. We can't have King County counting non-verified provisional ballots, and we need to make a standard for how signatures are checked. Right now it is different in every county.

Other facts and figures to use:

  • During the last governor's race, nearly 2.9 million votes were cast. Vast discrepancies and utter chaos between the rules and processes of the various auditors' offices require immediate changes. Voter confidence must be restored in the election system.
  • Voter confidence has dropped. Several polls indicate people want a revote. A recent Elway poll showed that 30 percent said the election was over but the outcome is not legitimate; another 26 percent (for 56 percent combined) said the election is not over and the outcome is still in question. In addition, 47 percent, almost half of those polled, felt that the outcome and process of the recount were unfair.
  • Out of 16,000 respondents to a KIRO-TV poll, 76 percent said there should be a revote in the governor's race. A KING 5/Survey USA poll showed that 53 percent think Dino Rossi should NOT concede the race. Of those surveyed, 56 percent said they think Rossi won the race. And 59 percent of the Survey USA participants say that a revote is necessary.

Josh Poulson

Posted Monday, Feb 7 2005 11:51 AM

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There are 2 comments on this entry.

Why do all these probelms in the Washington Governer race remind me of the movie "Black Sheep" with Chris Farley???


Posted Monday, Feb 7 2005 02:25 PM

I admit I had to go look up Black Sheep to find out what it was about, but I have to agree. There are a lot of similarities between the current fiasco and that comedy.

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Feb 9 2005 09:58 AM

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