Bushmaster XM-15 (AR-15) Memories

Poking around the search engines, I noticed my picture of my Bushmaster XM-15 has gone way down in rank on Google's image search. After the arrest of Lee Malvo, I got thousands of hits on pun.org because of my picture, linked to below. Not that I'm celebrating anything Malvo did, I'm not, but I thought it was interesting that my rank was so high then, and so low now.

Bushmaster XM-15

(click on this image to get the full-size version)

Nowadays my Bushmaster looks a little different. I changed out the trigger with a Chip McCormick Super Match Trigger Group with the help of trusty gunsmith John McEnroe. Also, I have a ambidextrous safety which is useful for left-handers like myself.

Misty's AR has the trigger group change, but not the ambi-safety.

The only other big differences are that I got a .22 LR upper, in the A2 configuration, for target shooting from Fulton ARmory. I definitely recommend Fulton ARmory for AR-15 parts. I haven't had a chance to try their work since John is so much closer to home.

Josh Poulson

Posted Thursday, Feb 10 2005 06:10 PM

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There is one comment on this entry.

She's a buetty alright !! The AR's not bad looking either !! You might try a collapsible stock, I have found that helps make it a little easier to handle moving around. Also I like the three point sling on mine. It makes it easy to sling across your chesthikes and leaves your hands free for other tasks !!!


Posted Saturday, Apr 23 2005 10:21 PM

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