A Note From Sharon Gilpin of Revote Washington

I just got a note from the folks that run the revotewa.com web site…

Dear ReVote Washington Supporter:

The past month has been an intense and fulfilling exercise in direct democracy.

The Revotewa.com site went “live” on December 31, 2004 and with only word of mouth—the petition had 5,000 by New Year's Day. The next day Revotewa.com's petition had 10,000 signers—by that week's end the petition had 135,000 signers.

Yesterday, February 3, 2005 we turned in over 241,000 petitions asking the Legislature of Washington State to order a re-vote of the Governor's race.

We submitted the original 8.076 paper petitions and a CD containing the name, address and city of all 233,647 cyber petitioners to the Counsel for the House (Tim Sekerak). We also submitted a copy of the petitions and a CD to the Counsel for the Senate (Marty Levenger) yesterday at 1 p.m. in Olympia.

Both Counsel have informed us that the petitions will be considered public documents. The Legislators will be able to access all documents as they wish.

So, aside from the nearly quarter million Washingtonians who signed on with you, where does the entire state as a whole stand on re-vote?

Various organizations and media outlets throughout the month have conducted opinion polling and while the question varies, Washington voters have made clear they want the “election mess” fixed with a revote. The Survey USA poll (posted on the site under “Opinion”) had these results this week:

Regardless of who you voted for in November’s gubernatorial election, would you favor another election for governor to resolve the election?
Yes: 53%
No: 35%
Undecided: 12%

As a majority of state citizens clearly are still demanding a re-vote we are going to keep our website alive to help facilitate that effort.

So far we have raised just under $43,000 and spent close to 90% of that on TV spots asking for a re-vote. As we may need to raise our media campaign again in the wake of upcoming court decisions, please consider making a small donation—we will put it to good use.

In any case, thanks again for your support…and keep up the letters, emails and word-of-mouth with your family, friends, and especially your TV, radio and newspapers. A re-vote will only happen if we make it happen!

Thank you!

Sharon Gilpin
The Gilpin Group

Josh Poulson

Posted Tuesday, Feb 8 2005 04:39 PM

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There are 2 comments on this entry.

Interesting concept. Would you support a revote of the Presidential election in Ohio due to discrepancies there?


Posted Wednesday, Feb 9 2005 04:30 PM

Well, the problems in Ohio were nowhere near the order of magnitude of the problems in Washington. After all, there were more provisional ballots illegally handled in Wahington than the margin of victory of Gregoire over Rossi.

There have certainly been revotes in other states, and in Washington, where the number of invalid or illegal ballots was greater than the margin of victory. It's just never happened on a level greater than a county in Washington before.

I don't think Ohio comes anywhere close to the problems here.

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Feb 9 2005 05:51 PM

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