Rossi's Basis for Contesting the Election

Brian Crouch has listed the bases for a contest of the 2004 Gubernatorial election in Washington over at Sound Politics.

The Election Contest Petition sets forth a series of errors, omissions, mistakes, neglect, and other wrongful acts by election officials that make it impossible to determine with certainty who won the 2004 election for Governor of Washington.

There's a long list of specific claims, which I won't include here… just click on the link above.

The Contest Petition seeks an order setting the election aside; declaring that any certification of the results of the election and any certificate of election issued as a result of the election are void; and directing that a new election be conducted as soon as practicable.

My name is supposed to be on that petition somewhere, since I signed it at

Josh Poulson

Posted Saturday, Jan 8 2005 03:52 PM

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