Review: Microsoft Anti-Spyware Ineffective
I had mentioned that I installed Microsoft's Anti-Spyware Tool (which is in beta test) to give it a whirl. So far it has found exactly one problem to date and otherwise annoyed me with modal dialog boxes indicating it did a nightly run with no results.
I'm not the only one to have noticed. The Associated Press, who I generally don't take seriously as a news organization, has nonetheless posted a review of the same tool. The review is significantly negative but nonetheless apologetic for criticising Microsoft. If it had been some other vendor it wouldn't have received a free ride.
For now the other tools I use (AdAware, SpyBot, Norton Antivirus, Zone Labs Integrity Client) have nothing to fear from this new upstart. After all, I have something almost unheard of in the PC industry: a laptop that gets regular daily use on the Internet thats has not been reinstalled from scratch in four years…
Josh Poulson
Posted Friday, Jan 21 2005 02:36 PM