I Didn't Disappear, My Dish Did

Yesterday the DirecTV guys came over to install a $49 PVR and look into my mysterious lack-of-satellite TV issue. They found a half-melted ground block which they though might have had a power surge (and we have had power outages), but my Internet connection was working, until they replaced the block. Now I don't get enough signal to connect. Argh!

I'm back at work now, so I connect from there, but the semester I have two online courses I suddenly have no online access!

Update: they might be back tomorrow with someone who knows how the dish works so they can diagnose. The original technicians didn't understand my multi-capable dish. After all, receiving a signal is a lot different than transmitting one.

Josh Poulson

Posted Tuesday, Jan 4 2005 08:36 PM

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