Anonymous Email From a King County Elections Worker

Sound Politics' Stefan Sharkansky has received anonymous email from a King County Elections worker telling about the total mess inside the office. His article is titled “Omerta Breaks” referring to the mafia word for the code of silence.

Some key items from the email:

Here are some things from the inside view that seem like they should be important to this election.
  1. I think you should ask Bill or Dean point blank if there were any problems with the military ballots and see what they tell you…
  2. …if you want any documents for a recount or for any lawsuits, better ask King County for them now, because we have been told to delete things…
  3. I think someone needs to do the math and find out where the extra mystery 10K ballots really came from, because we sure don't know and we work here…
  4. The Democrats asked to see just the provisional ballots that had no signature. If they were aware of what is really going on, they should have also looked at the provisional ballots that are being set aside and not counted because the voter is "not registered". We were so far behind with putting registrations in the computer that at one point the supervisors just made a set of boxes with thousands of registrations "disappear" overnight…

Read the whole article and the pleas for more information from workers.

Josh Poulson

Posted Monday, Jan 10 2005 03:52 PM

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This anonymous email was send be Bob Ferry, a former employee. Got ya!

anonymous email

Posted Saturday, May 28 2005 05:24 AM

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