More Moveable Type Fun
So in the past couple days I've made the strip on the left side of the pages update independently and then included it on the main page, the archive page, the monthly archives, the category archives and the individual entry archive pages. I looked into adding it to the search results page, but that's an incredibly nasty template compared to the others. Clearly there's some room for improvement in MT.
It took some tweaking with MT and with server-side includes to get it all working and figuring out that relative paths were forbidden and that virtual paths were the right thing to do.
With a little more tweaking I might be able to add some blog-driven content to the top-level pages as well. They certainly need a lot of updating. A little dynamic content would be nice and I'd love to have the blog better-integrated with the outside. Many people still don't know it exists!
I'm dramatically behind on updating my schools page and it's one of my most popular entries. Some folks have chided me for not having an “About Me” page.
Update: It sure defeated the point when I overwrote my dynamic template with the static data from last night. Let's see if I fixed it.
Update 2: Now strip updates are hard to force. Geesh.
Update 3: Now to add a “Recent Entries” segment to the sidebar on the main page…
Update 4: And I've updated the pictures and contact information to be a little less space-intensive, but to include Misty…
Josh Poulson
Posted Thursday, Dec 16 2004 10:44 AM