Misty's iPod

Misty's iPod Mini has developed problems.

It's “menu” button on the clickwheel has become unresponsive. I have turned on and off the hold switch and I've reset it. I made sure it was charged up. All the other buttons work, including the scrolling function. It's just that most of the time you click “menu” and nothing happens.

This is a serious problem if you want to go back up to a previous menu. Not only that, but the backlight seems to come on at random. The problem materialized when we were setting up for playing Christmas music a couple days ago. We have a JBL On Stage that I got her for Christmas that we all love to use. I wonder if the On Stage broke it.

I've been wandering around Apple's technical support pages for a few minutes this morning and I'm finding nothing of help other than the things I've done already. I have the latest software on her iPod. The stories I've been reading as I searched for help appear to indicate that Apple is less-than-helpful when it comes to clickwheel problems. I hope I have a legitimate problem they will fix.

I just submitted a service request and I'll have to mail in her iPod. Sigh.

Update: I've followed up on this posting here.

Amazon.com links:

Josh Poulson

Posted Tuesday, Dec 21 2004 11:25 AM

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