Itanium Codevelopment Ceased

Via Slashdot we find this EE Times article telling us that HP and Intel have ceased their Itanium codevelopment alliance.

The move follows disappointing sales for servers based on the processor, according to the report. Intel and HP developed the processor about 10 years, but the chip has been a flop due to delays, cost overruns and lackluster demand.

Some will herald this as the success of AMD64, others might think it has more to do with PowerPC.

Josh Poulson

Posted Saturday, Dec 18 2004 09:11 AM

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H-P's Ouster of Carly Fiorina

The initial flurry of Carly's exit stories yesterday is dwarfed by the prodigious output of armchair quarterbacking this morning. The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, the Economist and even regular news outlets have stories this morning. What caught... [Read more]

Josh's Weblog

Linked Thursday, Feb 10 2005 09:26 AM

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