Books For Vacation

Yesterday I mentioned books for next term, I forgot to mention I should be reading some books for vacation, too. I just finished the alternate history novel Gettysburg on my iPod (that Misty gave me for my birthday). I have started Grant Comes East although I don't like this narrator as much as the last one. I only listen to my iPod books in the car when I'm alone, or in the shower, though, so it's slow going.

As far as real books go, I have a couple of Harry Turtledove novels burning a hole in my bedstand, including Days of Infamy.

I doubt I'll be able to get far with them. I am happy, however, that I have Misty interested in Buffy the Vampire Slayer for our normal falling-asleep watching. I haven't watched past third season (and we've rapidly caught up on that) so I'll finally be able to crack open a few DVD sets I have past that. I haven't even purchased past season six, and I have none of the Angel series. links:

Josh Poulson

Posted Tuesday, Dec 14 2004 10:42 AM

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