Wizbang Articulates a Mandate

Here's Wizbang's list:

  • Bush is the first President to be re-elected while gaining seats in the House and Senate since 1936 and the first Republican President since 1924 to be re-elected while re-electing Republican House and Senate majorities.
  • The first President to win a majority of the popular vote since 1988.
  • He received 57.4 million votes—more than any other candidate in history. He broke President Reagan's 1984 mark of 54.5 million. (96% reporting)
  • He increased the popular vote by seven million votes since 2000—more than twice Clinton's increase from 1992 to 1996.
  • He improved his percentage in every state except four (MD, OR, VT and WY). This includes a four percent increase in John Kerry's home state, Massachusetts.

Even so, only 68% of the people that could vote did so. What does it take?

Me, I think voting should inconvenient enough for people to take it seriously when they do it, but geesh, it's pretty doggone easy. What does it take? Internet voting? I dread the day.

Of course, I sat there with my absentee ballot, the voters' pamphlet and a web browser and researched my choices. That was pretty cool.

Josh Poulson

Posted Wednesday, Nov 3 2004 04:58 PM

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