Tom Harkin

Iowa Senator Tom Harkin should know when to avoid slinging mud when he's already covered with it. OpinionJournal has not one, but two essays about Tom's casualness with the truth. The first is an editorial in today's Wall Street Journal, the second by James M. Perry. The Perry article appeared in 1991. I referenced this second article last night when I reviewed Anne Coulter's column.

The WSJ column starts off, "We wish this Presidential election had nothing at all to do with Vietnam." I have to agree with that sentiment. Not only is Vietnam thirty years in our past, but the frequent attempts to portray Iraq and the War on Terror as a "quagmire" are pathetic at best. Add to this the besmirching of National Guard service or college deferrments. Can we all just agree that these Baby Boomers did not want to go to Vietnam and move on?

Josh Poulson

Posted Thursday, Aug 19 2004 09:13 AM

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