Eight Charged With Conspiracy to Commit Murder

So, the eight arrested in the UK have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Not murder over there, but over here in the US. They had the plans for various financial centers. So, we find that eight people were arrested in the UK, and one in North Carolina, because they were either in the planning or final phases of an attack on the US financial infrastructure.

Why does this sound familiar? Because Tom Ridge raised the terror alert level for certain financial institutions to orange at the beginning of the month. While the police in the UK discount the idea that the arrests stemmed from leads from Mohammad Naeem Noor Khan or the seizure of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani's computers, it does appear to be related to the terror warning, whatever their source.

It is notable that Abu Eisa al-Hindi does not appear to have been charged in this latest round. He is the one reputed to be a high-ranking Al Quaeda operative.

Update: Fox News indicates that Dhiren Barot, who had possession of the plans, is Abu Eisa al-Hindi.

Josh Poulson

Posted Tuesday, Aug 17 2004 11:23 AM

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